small sized jatropha oil production plant
Small Sized Jatropha Oil Production Plant
Recently, jrotrpha oil is becoming more and more popular among peoples used as biodiesel oil. Do you want to strat such a small sized jatropha oil production plant to produce such biodiesel jatropha oil by yourself? If you do, here will be the right place to strat.
Methods of Jatropha Oil Production
Some of the methods that are usually used in the small sized jatropha oil production plant. Oil presses have been used for the purpose of oil extraction as simple mechanical devices - either powered or manually driven. Among the different oil presses that are used for jatropha oil processing. The traditional press method to extract oil and prepares oil cakes as well as soaps. It is a simple device that yields around 3 liters of oil per 12 kg of seed input.
Traditional methods are used in the rural and developing areas for extracting the oils. Traditional methods are simple and the oil is extracted by hand using simple equipment. Hot oil extraction: The process of extracting the oil at high pressure is called as hot oil extraction method. Since jatropha oil can regulate the operating temperature it is extracted using the hot oil extraction method.
Then the cold oil extraction method it is easy to extract the oil from the hot oil extraction since the oil flows more easily due to higher viscosity. And the press cake that remains after extracting the oil also have less oil content which might be 3 to 7 % approximately. These two reasons make the oil press method very interesting. During the small sized jatropha oil production plant, many stuffing of the seeds are converted into gum like substances and some non organic substances. These are unwanted products and so they have to be refined.
Useage of Jatropha Oil
Jatropha oil is vegetable oil produced from the seeds of the Jatropha curcas, when jatropha seeds are crushed, the resulting jatropha oil can be processed to produce a high-quality biodiesel that can be used in a standard diesel car, while the residue (press cake) can also be processed and used as biomass feedstock to power electricity plants or used as fertilizer (it contains nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium)."From planting to harvest. Treat the jatropha plant as well as possible to make the harvest as large as possible!" (A reference to the compulsory planting of jatropha in Indonesia for the production of oil as machinery lubricant and fuel for the Japanese WWII war effort.)
The plant may yield more than four times as much fuel per hectare as soybean, and more than ten times that of maize (corn). A hectare of jatropha has been claimed to produce 1,892 litres of fuel. However, as it has not yet been domesticated or improved by plant breeders, yields are variable. The maximum oil content that has been reported in jatropha seeds has been close to 47%. However, the accepted average is 40%, and the fraction that can be extracted is taken to be around 91%.
Researchers at Daimler Chrysler Research explored the use of jatropha oil for automotive use, concluding that although jatropha oil as fuel "has not yet reached optimal quality, ... it already fulfills the EU norm for biodiesel quality".
Write Email to us anytime you are interested in begin such a small sized jatropha oil production plant. We are always at your service!