cottonseed oil factory
Cotton grown for oil extraction is one of the big four genetically modified crops grown around the world, next to soy, corn, and rapeseed (canola). The source of cottonseed is affluent, so setting up a cottonseed oil factory is a better choice to make money.
The oil produced from cottonseed by one of three methods: hydraulic press, screw press or solvent extraction (v. extraction), the latter being the leading process used.
Cotton Seed and Cottonseed Oil
Cottonseed oil is a cooking oil extracted from the seeds of cotton plant of various species, Cotton grown for oil extraction is one of the big four genetically modified crops grown around the world, next to soy, corn, and rapeseed (canola), mostly Monsanto products.
The cottonseed has a similar structure to other oilseeds such as sunflower seed, having an oil bearing kernel surrounded by a hard outer hull; in processing, the oil is extracted from the kernel.
Cottonseed Products and By-products Other Than Oil
The following are used in animal feed: Cottonseed hulls, roughage product of cottonseed oil manufacture, cottonseed cake, the solid residue left after extraction of oil from cottonseed, and pressed into cakes, cottonseed meal, ground cottonseed cake, solvent extracted flakes, product obtained after solvent extraction, cottonseed feed, cottonseed
meal and hulls, whole pressed cottonseed, the result of pressing the unhulled cottonseed in order to extract the oil; contains the entire cottonseed except for the oil, ground whole pressed cottonseed, the product of grinding whole pressed cottonseed, A food product made from cottonseed is cottonseed flour, obtained by grinding cottonseed, which has been rolled and cooked and from which the oil has been expressed, v.extraction.
We are professional complete set of oil mill plants supplier for all kinds of oil seeds.Anytime you would like to start cottonseed oil factory business, don't forget to contact. We are always ready to give you the best service!