Sunflower Seed Solvent Extraction Plant
The sunflower seed is the fruit of the sunflower (Helianthus annuus). The term "sunflower seed" is actually a misnomer when applied to the seed in its pericarp (hull). All sunflowers seeds contain oil, but sunflower varieties labeled as oil-seed have a higher concentration of oil. Oil-seed is often sold as birdseed. When pressing the seeds at home, it is rarely possible to extract all the oil from the seeds. Heating helps the seeds release more oil and makes it easier to extract it without using specialized equipment.
There are several types of sunflower oils produced, such as high linoleic, high oleic and mid oleic. The oil is typically extracted by applying great pressure to the sunflower seeds and collecting the oil. The protein-rich cake remaining after the seeds have been processed for oil is used as a livestock feed.
Sunflower Seed Solvent Extraction Plant Methods
Sunflower seed solvent extraction plant is one of the most important solvent extraction plants. Sunflower seeds are first subjected to decortication to obtain high protein meal, the decorticated sunflower seeds are subjected to mechanical extraction.
Ther are usua;;y two methods that used in the sunflower seed solvent extraction. In one method only pre-pressing is carried out leaving 18 to 20% as residual oil in the pre-pressed cake. In the second method full pressing is carried out in screw presses leaving 10 to 12% residual oil in the fully pressed cake. For recovery of residual left over oil in the cake, the cake is subjected to solvent extraction process.