Cooking Oil Refining Plant
Sometimes oils extracted from oil extraction section need to be refined in the cooking oil refining plant before using as cooking oils due to high F.F.A. However it is not the compulsory. But in so many European and other countries people only eat the refined cooking oils . After getting of cooking oil of any oilseeds from solvent extraction plant, the extracted oil will be refined in the oil refining plant to remove the FFA (Free Fatty Acids), color and odor of the cooking oils. This is one of the latest chemically refined technology except physical refining. Hence the refined cooking oil will be thin, without FFA, colorless and odorless. The main by product is the soap stock, which is widely being used in soap industry.
Cooking Oil Refining Plant
Cooking oil refining is essential to ensure removal of gums, waxes, phosphatides and free fatty acid (F. F.A.) from the oil; to impart uniform colour by removal of colouring pigments and to get rid of unpleasant smell from the oil by removal of odiferous matter.
Cooking oil refining plant is an integral part of oil mill machinery and it helps to refine vegetable oils from gums, waxes, phosphatides and free fatty acid (F.F.A) from the oil. In addition, specialized pigment is being used to give a uniform color to the oil and also it remove unpleasant odor by removing all odiferous matter. In most vegetable oil refining plant the refining is carried out by batch operation or as continuous operation. The refining also depends on properties of oils and therefore, sometimes physical refining can be carried out instead of chemical. Cooking oil refining plant is carried out either on batch operation or as continuous operation. With certain oils even physical refining can be carried out instead of chemical.
Normally batch process is recommended when oil refining is less than 30 tonnes of oil per day and F.F.A content is 1% or less. The batch process cost less because it is simple and require less maintenance, making refining economically a viable proposition even at the capacity as low as 10 tonnes per 24 hours. The equipment is needed in the batch processing includes neutralizer, bleacher, deodorizer, heat exchanger, high and low vacuum equipment and filters.
Steps in Cooking Oil Refining Plant
For process of cooking oil refining plant , there are three basic steps in the oil refining process. The first step is neutralizing the oil in the neutralizer , removing the free fatty acids (FFA) by adding caustic soda. The oil is heated upto about 60°C by the thermic fluid coils and oil is stirred by the stirrer. Then as the chemical reaction, the formed soap stock is allowed to settle at the bottom of the neutralizer from where it was taken out into the soap pan.
Then the neutralized oil is drawn into the second vessel called bleacher where the colour of the oil is removed by the bleaching process with aid of chemicals, such as carbon black and bleaching earth. The oil is generally heated upto 110°C by thermic fluid coils. Stirring is also continuing. Bleaching process is done under the vacuum. Process Cooking Oil Refineries, Edible Oil Refineries.
The next step is let the bleached oil goes to the filter press where the bleaching earth and chemicals are separated,the clean bleached oil is drawn into the deodourizer where the oil will be heated above 110°C through the thermic fluid coils. After the live steam is given to the oil from the bottom steam nozzles, the temperature of the oil is raised upto 200 to 220°C through the thermic fluid coils. The entire process is done under the high vacuum. Thus the smell is removed from the oil in the deodourizer. Then it goes to cooler where the water circulating coils take away the heat and the oil is cooled. Again it goes to the second filter press where the completely refined and transparent color less oil is obtained.
We have rich experience of designing and installing compelte cooking oil refining plant, we slae quality cooking oil refining machinery.If you are interested in our cooking, edible or other vegetable oil refining plants, please contact us in the following fom. We are always at your service!